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SEO for Home Services Businesses

First Page Sage has over 12 years of experience providing SEO for home services businesses. We focus on building high-ROI lead generation systems by combining thought leadership and SEO.

After word-of-mouth, Google is the first place homeowners turn when looking for a landscaper, HVAC repair company, solar panel installer, contractor, or any other type of home service provider. Reaching the top of Google’s search results ensures a steady stream of new business for your company.


Home services companies have partnered with us to create:

  • An editorial series describing how local climates create unique HVAC maintenance needs for homeowners in Northern California.
  • Geotargeted landing pages on solar availability and pricing for consumers.
  • An FAQ Page answering the most asked questions about the design-build process for home renovations in New York.
  • Guides to financing incentives and rebates available for installing energy efficient furnaces in Chicago homes.

Home Services SEO ROI

SEO results in excellent returns for home services companies, averaging $1.2M in new net revenue each year.


Electrician Roi 2025

Other Relevant SEO Stats for Home Services Companies:

  • Average engagement rate: 64%
  • Average time on site: 2:45
  • Landing page conversion rate: 2.1%

Home Services SEO: Our Approach

We view SEO for our home services clients as a long term investment. Rather than focus solely on quick technical fixes, properly executing an SEO campaign requires a well-researched Hub & Spoke strategy, and a comprehensive understanding of searcher intent. This is because Google’s algorithm is constantly updated to better reward high quality content with first page rankings, and any quick-fix SEO will at-best result in only a temporary increase in rankings. In other words, the only way to secure high rankings long term is to create keyword-targeted thought leadership.

For home services companies, this means creating geotargeted landing pages, blog posts, guides, and FAQ pages targeting transactional keywords actively searched by your potential clients. This includes more than just direct questions about the types of services you provide: as part of our onboarding process, our SEO strategists will create detailed customer personas that outline the problems that your clients turn to you to solve—and by extension, the keywords they searched to find you in the first place. Our writers then ghostwrite original, high quality content targeting each of these keywords. After 4-6 months of regular publishing, you’ll see your Google search rankings rise and with them, an influx of warm leads and measurable ROI.