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SEO for Entertainment Companies

At First Page Sage, we have over 12 years of experience providing SEO services for companies in the entertainment industry, including media production companies, publishers, record labels, and theme parks. We combine search intent analysisthought leadership content, and the Hub & Spoke model to create high-ROI campaigns for our clients.

Next to personal referrals and word of mouth, Google is the most valuable driver of new business for entertainment companies. Ensuring your entertainment company’s website is at the top of the search results will secure a sustainable source of new visitors, customers, and leads that will grow with your business.

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Entertainment companies have partnered with us to create:

  • A blog series on the path music tracks take from creation to release, and what the marketing and monetization journeys afterwards entail.
  • A trend report on book sales in the US over the last decade broken down by microgenre.
  • Quarterly reports on technological changes in the film and broadcast industries, and predictions on the future of media production.
  • An industry news website on entertainment design for theme parks, museums, zoos, and related leisure attractions.

Entertainment SEO ROI

Our clients in the entertainment industry average $1.4M per year in new, net revenue. We attribute this success to the low CACs of inbound marketing channels.


Entertainment Roi 2025

Other relevant SEO stats for Entertainment Companies:

  • Average engagement rate: 68%
  • Average time on site: 2:58
  • Landing page conversion rate: 1.1%

Entertainment Company SEO: Our Approach

Our approach to SEO is based on our understanding of the philosophy driving Google’s algorithm updates. Over the years, the importance of backlinks has declined while the weight given regular publishing of high-quality content has increased. Moreover, Google now penalizes outdated SEO techniques such as keyword stuffing and link building—in other words, techniques that attempt to subvert Google’s goal of connecting searchers with content that directly addresses the intent behind their search query. This means that the most effective SEO technique is now to create the best possible content for each commercially valuable keyword.

Doing so is easier said than done, which is why we employ a team of dedicated specialists for each of our clients in the entertainment industry. These teams consists of:

  • An SEO Strategist who will create customer personas, analyze search intent and build out a 12-month strategy for your campaign
  • Expert Writers skilled at producing compelling, original content that captures the attention of your potential customers
  • An Editor to ensure our content captures your company’s brand and follows conversion optimization best practices
  • A Web Developer to conduct a full technical review of your website, and create custom blogs and landing pages
  • A Reporting Specialist who will monitor your campaign KPIs and ensure your campaign is on-track
  • A Graphic Designer to make your content stand out from your competitors
  • A Campaign Manager who acts as a project manager for the campaign, and  keeps you up to speed on the status of your SEO investment

After 4-6 months of regular publishing, we’ll secure the News Website bonus for your domain, and you’ll see a marked increase in your search rankings, organic traffic, and ultimately, in your new customers and leads.

If you’re ready to learn more about our automotive SEO services, contact us below: