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Average Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) in Banking

SEO Blog
Banking Cac

Between June 2018 and November 2024, our research team gathered data on the customer acquisition cost various types of banks paid across a variety of marketing channels. We’ve segmented our data by bank type, marketing channel used, and customer type in the tables below.

Note that our sample sizes vary across bank types (see Appendix A), and as such our data should be used in projections or evaluations with additional analysis.

Banking Customer Acquisition Cost Benchmarks

In this section, we break down the cost that banks pay to acquire new customers in 3 ways: by bank type, marketing channel, and customer type.

Average Banking Customer Acquisition Cost by Bank Type

Bank TypeCustomer Acquisition Cost
Retail — Consumer$561
Retail — Commercial$760
Credit Card Provider$167
Credit Union$428
Online (Digital) Bank$290
Investment Bank$882
Equity Financing$653
Hedge Fund$2,084
Savings & Loan Association$331
Farm Credit Bank$475

Average Banking Customer Acquisition Cost by Marketing Channel

The following table represents the average customer acquisition cost banks pay by marketing channel, with all bank types blended.

Marketing ChannelBanking Customer Acquisition Cost
Organic Search (SEO)$431
Paid Search (PPC)$590
Organic Social$505
Paid Social$521
Direct Mail$482
Radio Advertising$615
TV Advertising$671
Video / Youtube Marketing$510

Average Banking Customer Acquisition Cost by Customer Type

The following table shows average customer acquisition cost by banking customer type. The Consumer category includes some customers who would be categorized as high net worth (HNW) but not ultra high net worth (UHNW). 

Bank Customer TypeCustomer Acquisition Cost
Small Business$607
Middle Market$1,120
NOTE: The Enterprise category had a sample size of only 3 companies.

Further Reading and Requesting a PDF of this Report

For further reading, see our reports and guides on financial services and fintech valuation and customer acquisition:

To request a PDF copy of this report, reach out here.

Appendix A: Banking Type Sample Sizes

Bank Type# of Banks Reporting
Retail — Consumer11
Retail — Commercial10
Credit Card Provider4
Credit Union5
Online (Digital) Bank9
Investment Bank6
Equity Financing5
Hedge Fund8
Savings & Loan Association4
Farm Credit Bank3

Evan Bailyn

Evan Bailyn is a best-selling author and award-winning speaker on the subjects of SEO and thought leadership. Contact Evan here.