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Content Marketing Conversion Rates

Reports, SEO Blog
Content Marketing Conversion Rates By Industry

This report presents the results of research conducted by our SEO firm between 2018 and 2023, analyzing our clients’ content marketing conversion rates. The clients surveyed consisted of 73% primarily B2B companies, and 27% primarily B2C companies.

Conversion Rate, Defined

We define conversion rate as the percentage of visitors to a content page that then performed a conversion action—which we defined as a form fill, demo download, or purchase. This is shown in the formula below:

Conversion Rate Equation

For example, if a fintech firm had three potential clients request a demo of their financial services platform out of 100 unique visitors on their website in a given time period, they would have a conversion rate of 3%.

Below, we present the average conversion rate of the most common content pieces used in content marketing across 19 industries.

Content Marketing Conversion Rates by Industry 

IndustryBlog ArticleWhite PapereBookWebinarPodcastCase StudyOverall Website Average
Addiction Treatment2.8%1.8%1.9%1.8%1.4%1.8%2.1%
Business Insurance1.9%1.9%1.7%1.3%1.2%0.8%1.7%
Financial Services2.4%1.5%1.1%0.8%1.3%1.0%1.9%
Heavy Equipment1.9%1.3%1.0%0.8%1.4%0.9%1.7%
Higher Education1.2%1.1%0.8%1.0%1.1%0.8%2.8%
Industrial IOT1.6%1.3%1.1%1.1%0.6%1.1%2.6%
IT & Managed Services1.1%1.3%1.0%0.8%1.1%1.2%1.5%
Law Firms & Legal Services1.5%1.1%1.2%1.4%0.7%0.9%7.4%
Manufacturing & Distribution1.4%1.2%0.9%1.0%1.1%0.8%2.1%
Medical Device1.8%1.4%1.2%1.5%0.9%1.1%1.5%
Oil & Gas1.7%1.2%1.1%2.1%0.4%0.8%2.6%

Further Reading and Requesting a Copy of This Report

For further reading, see our previous reports on conversion rates and guides to conversion rate optimization and content marketing:

If you’d like to request a PDF copy of this report, reach out here.

Evan Bailyn

Evan Bailyn is a best-selling author and award-winning speaker on the subjects of SEO and thought leadership. Contact Evan here.